30 Years of PEPtBO!

Image: Snow Bunting by Ashley Jensen

About Us

Prince Edward Point Bird Observatory (PEPtBO) is a conservation organization located at the southeastern tip of Prince Edward County on Lake Ontario, positioned within two major migratory flyways for birds. This area is a critical stopover for songbirds, waterfowl, and raptors, and is known for sightings of rare and unusual species. Designated an Important Bird and Biodiversity Area in 1998, PEPtBO monitors and reports on bird migration, breeding patterns, and ecosystems across Prince Edward County as part of its commitment to conservation and outreach.

Image: Bay-breasted Warbler

Your donation will directly fund our research, outreach, and educational programming.

PEPtBO Signature Events

Get Involved!

As a volunteer-run organization with limited administrative staff, PEPtBO relies on the passion, knowledge, skills, and experience of volunteers. PEPtBO has a number of meaningful volunteer opportunities, including visiting banders, daily station assistants (scribers, net extractors, greeters), as well as program volunteers.

Image: Brown Creeper by Paul Jones

Did you know we sell certified Bird Friendly™, organic, fair-trade coffee?

Specially blended for us, all proceeds support our conservation efforts.


Are you interested in birds and our natural world? Would you like to explore the world of ornithology? How about embarking on an outdoor adventure!

Learn More! >

Let’s Go Birding!

Whether you’re a beginner or experienced birder, there’s a world of joy out there for everyone. Look here for good places to bird in Prince Edward County, advice on how to get started and other resources.

Let’s Go! >

Help Protect Birds

The number of birds in Canada has dropped by roughly 40 percent since 1970. When we take action, we can make a positive impact.

Learn More! >