Blackburnian Warblers
Your donation will directly fund our research, outreach, and educational programming. With no core government funding we depend on the support of individuals like you who love and find joy in birds, and understand the importance of our conservation efforts. Donors will receive a tax receipt for their contributions.
PEPtBO will never publish your name or donation without your written consent.
All donations of $30 or more receive PEPtBO membership which includes:
The Bird of the Month newsletter
Invitations to member events
Access to presale tickets to our signature events
(Spring Birding Festival and Starry Nights with Saw-whets).
Hummingbird Level
$1,000 to $2,499
Donor will receive the Bird of the Month newsletter, invitations to member events and access to pre-sale tickets to our signature events. In addition, the donor’s name (or tribute name) will be added to the new Donor Wall at PEPtBO’s station.
Cardinal Level
$5,000 to $9,999
Please contact Risa ( for information on becoming a major donor
Warbler Level
$2,500 to $4,999
Donor will receive the Bird of the Month newsletter, invitations to member events, access to pre-sale tickets to our signature events and the gift of a private Owl Night in the Fall. In addition, the donor’s name (or tribute name) will be added to the new Donor Wall at PEPtBO’s station.
Eagle Level
$10,000 +
Please contact Risa ( for information on becoming a major donor