Where research lands,
and conservation soars
Image: Ruddy Turnstones/Red Knots by Paul Jones
PEPtBO is a conservation organization that studies, monitors, and reports on the migration, breeding patterns and ecosystems of birds throughout Prince Edward County. Our work protects birds and their habitat through research, advocacy, and education.
We contribute to bird populations that are resilient and robust, and a natural world that is sustainable for future generations.
Gadwall by Paul Jones

Our Guiding Principles
Birds help us understand the living world. We believe that transforming science to action will contribute to the long-term survival of birds and the overall health of our ecosystems and environment
We put birds first. We are guided by the Bander’s Code of Ethics which details our practice and commitment to bird safety at all times.
We believe that connecting people to the joy of birds through education and hands-on exposure will ignite a lifelong passion for nature, leading to support for environmental conservation and a new generation of advocates.
As residents of the Prince Edward County South Shore Important Bird and Diversity Area (IBA), we recognize our responsibility to respect and protect the abundant and diverse wildlife residing there.
We recognize that working in partnership with other conservation organizations and all levels of government will further our goals and increase our impact.
We are led through the passion, knowledge, skills, and experience of volunteers, and are committed to providing appropriate recruitment with ongoing training, support and recognition
We are committed to inclusiveness in all that we do and will work to improve representation, tolerance and opportunity benefitting all racialized groups, Indigenous Peoples, LGBTQ+ communities, genders and persons of differing abilities.
We use our resources and manage our organization effectively, efficiently and with fiscal responsibility, and strategic intent.