Advocacy is a key strategic priority for PEPtBO. Our advocacy work falls into two distinct but overlapping areas.

Barn Swallow by Andrew Brown

Outreach and Engagement to Raise Public Awareness

We raise publicawareness of birds and bird habitat through two of our signature events, Spring Birding Festival and Starry Nights with Saw-whets. Further, PEPtBO’s banding staff and volunteers engage regularly with individuals and groups visiting the Observatory during the spring and fall banding seasons. They share information (and plenty of inspiration!) during banding demonstrations. PEPtBO hosts local student groups and makes use of our popular social media channels to connect with youth. Our staff and Board members attend public meetings and engage with the media to draw attention to the issues we hold dear.

Marsh Wren by Paul Jones

Influencing Public Policy through Collaborations 

By working closely with other organizations we build public support for conservation efforts in order to protect and further the interests of resident and migratory birds in Prince Edward County. We have several critical partnerships, locally with the South Shore Joint Initiative (SSJI), Friends of the South Shore (FOSS), and Prince Edward County Field Naturalists (PECFN), and more broadly, with Birds Canada.

Caspian Tern by Paul Jones

Past Contributions

Call to maintain strong conservation authorities letter from PEPtBO president November 27, 2020

Response to Prince Edward County’s PEC Official Plan

Protecting Soup Harbour wetlands (April 2021 PEPtBO deposition to Prince Edward County Council

Input to the management plan for the Monarch Point Conservation Area

Development in the Important Bird Area - construction of a new cell tower

Current & Future Contributions

Barn Swallows

Chimney Swifts

Bird-friendly Belleville Initiative

Worldwide, bird populations are in decline. The number of birds in Canada has dropped by roughly 40 percent since 1970.

Eastern Meadowlark by Paul Jones

Even abundant species have suffered a population dip. When we take action, we can make a positive impact.

As noted in The State of Canada’s Birds, the numbers of waterfowl, birds of prey, and wetland birds has increased since 1970. This is largely due to collaborative efforts between all levels of government, conservation groups, and individual citizens. There is hope but we all need to do our part. Here are a few ways you can help protect birds.

Cats, window strikes, and habitat loss are the top three causes of bird mortality in North America so addressing each of these is critically important to bird conservation. We recommend the following: 

  • Keep cats indoors, or on a leash or in a catio. Cats are responsible for the death of a huge proportion of birds annually. 

  • Make your windows safer for birds. There are myriad ways to treat windows ranging from ribbons and strings, to DIY Feather Friendly tape, and window film. For more information please visit our friends at

  • Create backyard habitat - plant native grasses, flowers, and shrubs that attract birds. To find out which plants are suitable for your region, contact your local native plant nursery.

  • Choose Smithsonian Bird Friendly™ coffee, the environmental gold standard in sustainable coffee production. This certification verifies that trees are not cut down for coffee farms therefore preserving wintering songbird habitat. To purchase PEPtBO’s (triple certified!) coffee please visit our shop!

  • Choose organic produce. Increasing the market for produce grown without the use of pesticides, which can be harmful and toxic to birds, will contribute to more robust bird populations.

Other ways you can help to protect birds

Keep feeders and bird baths clean to avoid disease.

Take part in Citizen Science, such as documenting your findings on eBird.

Support a bird conservation group.

Educate yourself on birds and bird habitat loss and facilitate nature connection within your family and community.