Let’s Go Birding!
PEPtBO is located in the Prince Edward Point National Wildlife Area, one of eastern Ontario’s best birding spots with a bird list of over 300 species.
Written by Paul Jones, PEC’s top birder
A special place
As birds migrate north and south in the spring and fall, prevailing winds push thousands of them down Prince Edward Point. Wary of Lake Ontario, they concentrate around the PEPtBO banding station, making it a fantastic place to see both common and rare species.
When to visit
In spring, bird migration is well underway by mid-April and continues through the first week of June. But the main rush happens in the first two weeks of May, making it an especially good time to visit.
Fall migration is a longer affair. It lasts mid-August to early November, with maximum numbers moving through in the last week of August and the first couple weeks of September. As fall progresses, keep an eye on the sky. Birds of prey, including Golden Eagle, can best be seen mid-October to early November.
From November through April the waters off Prince Edward Point teem with waterfowl. The area is the winter home to a significant portion of Canada’s Long-tailed Duck, Greater Scaup, and White-winged Scoter populations. On cold calm days the air rings with their calls as flocks in the thousands rise like smoke above the waves.
Summer is a quieter time, but during the day Eastern Towhee can be found in the open Red Cedar habitat. At night the special calls of American Woodcock and Eastern Whip-poor-will can be heard.
Rare Birds
If finding a rare bird is your goal, Prince Edward Point is a great place to look. With so many species moving through, it only makes sense that rarer ones will show up too. Significant sightings in the past few years include King Eider, Harlequin Duck, Black-legged Kittiwake, Neotropic Cormorant, Black Vulture, Acadian Flycatcher, Western Kingbird, Fish Crow, Tufted Titmouse, Spotted Towhee, Yellow-breasted Chat, Summer Tanager, and Blue Grosbeak. Yellow-throated, Cerulean, Prairie, Hooded, Connecticut, and Worm-eating Warblers round out the list of special recent records.
Where to go Birding
Banding Station to Traverse Woods
Heading north (left) from the banding station, follow the beach road for 500 metres along the lake shore. Watch for both land and water birds. After the beach road emerges on Long Point Road continue north (right) another 500 metres to Traverse Woods. A network of trails through this isolated patch of more mature woodland is probably the best place to see warblers and other songbirds during spring and fall migration.
Banding Station to the lighthouse
Heading south (right) from the station, Long Point road becomes Traverse Lane. After checking out the harbour, walk through the gate and follow the lane 1 kilometre as it curves to the lighthouse. This entire route can be excellent for songbirds, with the last group of trees before the lighthouse being particularly good.
Birding for everyone
From the novice trying out their first pair of binoculars to the seasoned pro, Prince Edward Point provides an excellent birding experience. A network of accessible trails brings the location’s beauty to the widest possible audience. Plan a visit soon!
Special birds at Prince Edward Point
Long-tailed Duck, Eastern Whip-poor-will, Golden Eagle, Eastern Towhee, Warblers