Black-and-white Warbler
The Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) program is a collaborative effort among banders across Canada and the U.S. to collect long-term data on North American bird species.
This program allows us to monitor populations of breeding birds in Prince Edward County.
This type of data is very useful because it can be used to infer details about the breeding populations of our local birds through measures such as annual survival of adults and annual productivity (i.e. numbers of juvenile birds).
All of PEPtBO’s MAPS data is submitted to the Institute for Bird Populations, which allows for the comparison of data for various species across all North American sites to assess survival and productivity trends.
PEPtBO has been participating in the MAPS program since 2021.
As of 2023, PEPtBO operates 5 stations. Each station has anywhere from 10 to 12 nets depending on habitat and size of the test sites. Our M.A.P.S. stations operate from early June through early August to accommodate the regular breeding dates for most birds in Prince Edward County.